Wednesday 13 January 2016


** If you missed my first post on this series please click HERE **

A lot of times people tell me they do not have time to go to the gym or time to work out.  Those who have time for it claim that getting a gym membership is too expensive. But the truth is that people are always looking for an easy way out of their situation. But as for this situation called obesity, THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Did I disappoint you?  Sorry hun, you gotta work for that body you want!

I know that starting on a weight-loss journey can be daunting especially if you have no idea what to do. But honestly, you don’t need to know everything else you will be overwhelmed sooner than you can imagine. You do not always need a gym to workout. In fact, I know a lot of people who have lost tons of weight without stepping foot inside a gym. So what is your excuse? You have kids and you are also a working mother? I also know lots of working mothers that workout more than I do. Most of them wake up 30-40mins earlier than their kids just to get it done.  It’s called sacrifice and If they can, you can too.

There are so many exercises you can do right in your sitting room as you watch TV (instead of mindlessly nibbling on that chips/crisps/popcorn), exercises you can do on the bed 15mins mins before you sleep, quick workouts you can do before you jump in the shower or while you are waiting for your meal to get done.  If it is really important to you, you will take every opportunity you have to throw in a quick workout. No matter how short it is, it all adds up eventually.

 I didn’t start with a gym myself. In my previous post I mentioned that I started out brisk-walking 45mins to an hour. This later progressed to walking 5km 3 days a week and now I walk-run 10-12km
My first walk/run this year: 12km
on Saturdays as part of my weekly routine. I signed up for a 100KM challenge in December 2015 for the fun of it (I actually doubted I could do it) but I surprised myself and ended up doing about 129KM for the month!  Oh boy, and I am terrible at running so do not think you need to be perfect at these things. Most times I do a walk-run but hey, what matters most is that I am moving. That’s all.
In this piece I want to share some simple workouts you can start with and in part 2 next week I will share tips on how to I make better food choices that have worked for me. Don’t forget to let me know topics you would like to see me address regarding my weight-loss journey that might help you

1.      WALKINGJust walk. As simple as this may sound yet it is very effective. If you are very new to working out, then this is your best bet! Walking is a natural and effective way to get the heart rate up.
Start off by walking just 30mins a day then increase your pace and duration over time. You can incorporate walking  in your daily routin by either ditching the cab or parking your car a few kilometers away from your destination and walking the rest of the way. Bad weather? i have you covered. You can walk indoors too. There are many videos online that can guide you. (see links below) 
The beauty of walking is that it can be done anywhere and no equipment required! All you need for this party is a good pair of trainers and your feet. lol. On the average , walking at a moderate pace burns 25--300 calories per hour. 

2.   SKIPPING -A lot of us probably played the skipping game while growing up but this exercise is no child’s play as it is one good cardio exercise that targets every part of the body. Again no gym is required and all you need is a rope and your legs! There are so many skipping challenges you can find online. I for example, challenge myself to complete 1,000 jumps in 30mins. Wanna try? lol

3.    DANCING -Whether you like to jump or jive, tap or tango, shake your belly or your booty, dancing is one of the most enjoyable ways to get some exercise. Regular dancing is great for losing weight, maintaining strong bones, improving posture and muscle strength, increasing balance and co-ordination, and beating stress. One of the best things about dancing is that while you're having fun moving to music, you are burning calories! All you need is a line-up of great upbeat music (not blues please lol), your dancing shoes or trainers and your body.  A 30-45mins dance session will definitely get you drenched!

4.    STAIR CLIMBING -Got stairs in your house or work place? Climb it! This is another great exercise I use as part of a circuit routine if I am doing a home workout. You can run or simply walk up and down the stairs for 25-30mins every day. Trust me, that heart rate will be going off the roof by the time you are half way done! There are so many workouts you can do with the stairs (triceps dip for arms, calf raises, jump-box, lunges etc) Also, opt for the stairs instead of the elevator next time

5.  SWIMMING -This is a great workout too. Unfortunately, I do not swim because I am hydrophobic. If you are not, then this will be a good for losing weight fast. People afraid of water like me can opt to aqua-jog. This simply means walking in the water with your feet touching the pool floor if you do not have the blue belt on. With the belt on, you can walk the length and breadth of the pool without your feet touch. The resistance the water gives your legs makes for a great workout. I have tried it a couple of times and I was SORE for days.

My 100 Circuit
“Oh ella I am not a beginner and I still want something I can do at home” I heard you. There are thousands of workouts online (no you tube needed so don’t complain about your data yet lol) You can try out one of my favorite home workout.  I call it ‘The 100 circuit’ and it will get your heart racing! The internet and social media is going crazy now with the fit life so there are millions free workout posts online. If you are ok with going on You-tube, I will recommend the following favorites of mine- 

Remember, whether you are a beginner or at the intermediary level, the idea is to simply get moving frequently, establish a daily or weekly routine and build pace and confidence. It will also help if you add at least five minutes of easy stretch exercises at the end of your session.

Don't forget to follow my journey on Instagram (@ella_az) for daily motivation, my workout routines, meal ideas and struggles. 

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