Monday 11 May 2015


THEN GOD LOOKED OVER ALL HE HAD MADE (INCLUDING ME), AND HE SAW THAT IT WAS EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY. -----Genesis 1 vs 31 (New Living Translation version, addition and emphasis mine)

For a few weeks now I have been mediating on the above scripture.   I have read it countless times before now but it was as if I suddenly understood the true meaning of what that verse meant - that I am excellent/perfect in every way in spite of my flaws. In fact, my flaws are not a surprise to my maker because he is well aware of them before he made me!

This revelation got me thinking for weeks.  Thinking of how much I beat myself up for failing God every time.  It was absolutely not necessary!  I realized that what is important is to see my flawed self the way God sees me -EXCELLENT- and to love myself with all my failings just like he does - UNCONDITIONALLY.

Of course this doesn't mean I am now at liberty to fall short of his righteousness. It means that even when I don't meet up to the kingdom's expectations, God's love and grace is still available. Most importantly HE doesn't see me anymore less than when he first created me. If God had a problem with the way we were, then it wouldn’t be true that we were made in His image and likeness (Gen 1:26) and we cannot be called gods. (Psalm 82:6, John 10:34) But Jesus himself did! Because He knows us more than we know ourselves.

Just last week, my eyes and mind opened to another beautiful verse:

WHEN YOU HAVE CHRIST, YOU ARE COMPLETE….-----Colossians 2 vs 10 (New Life Version)

What?! The word COMPLETE in this verse crowns it all. So in addition to being excellent, I am also complete in Him!  This got me super excited because it means so many things to me. I now understood all over again that I do not need anything/anyone to feel complete. Marriage, material wealth, boyfriend, husband, a fantastic job, children, money, power etc is not what makes a person WHOLE.  Yes all those are important but they do not bring fulfilment. Wholeness can only be found or given by God alone.

So why have I (we) been fretting, running from pillar to post for the things I want, the job I want, meeting the man of my dreams, building the family I crave for, having great friends etc all in the bid to feel complete?

This is the situation most of us Christians find ourselves in. We keep seeking mundane things to fill our void without realizing that our COMPLETION is already given and guaranteed in Christ. In other words, that void in our life has been taken care of. There is no need to look elsewhere.  Absolutely no need.

I am still mediating on these scriptures and each day something new jumps out of them to me. It is all refreshing and amazing seeing myself from a whole new beautiful perspective. I feel as though I am this wonderful painting on God’s own canvass worth an unmentionable amount.

 In the meantime, I have come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of people (Christians) living with so much power that we are ignorant of. I pray that God through the Holy Spirit, will open our eyes of understanding. Amen.

Have a Fab week! xxx

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